Friday, April 18, 2008

Starting to think of Summer

Abby has been in desperate need of short sleeved shirts and other warm weather wear. But she has been eating like a hog, so I have been trying to wait out that inevitable growth spurt that always conveniently happens after clothing is set for the season.

I recently got this tinkerbell on green knit in, and her eyes just lit up when she saw it (being a typical four year old, obsessed with all things princess and fairy). So, I turned it into a cross front top for her (and sister is of course in the picture):

Those girls can be so goofy together: After finishing that up, I remembered how easy and nice looking those cross tops were! So I made her a new dress out of her favorite pink fairy and kitty fabric to wear to Daddy's Banquet. Again, sis is in the pic, in a mama made tank and headband, the rest is hand me downs!

And also some tanks and boxers sets for KandF Shops stocking. I love these for summer. Abby wears them with a skirt or shorts in the summer, and then just wears the tank and boxers straight to bed for a comfy nighttime outfit. I love these prints!

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