Thursday, February 7, 2008

To be soooo tired

I love how kids can sleep anywhere and everywhere when they are exhausted. Andraya is at that age where when she is tired, she can just crash. Even if it's in a random spot or her dinner plate. I came out the other day to find her in our living room like this:

And I love seeing the sewing love surrounding her - leggings and shirt made by me, a skirt that I got from another Sewing Mama (and there is a tut in her awesome blog), a blanket made by my mom and a wristlet purse made by me.

I know I will miss these sweet moments when she gets older.


Unknown said...

awwwww she's so cute!!! I love it when Faith falls asleep in her high chair too, luckily hasn't fallen asleep in her food yet. I remember once when my little sister was a baby, she fell asleep on a plate of spaghetti, hilarious!

Hope said...

Looks like she likes her moo cow skirt. It's so nice to see :)