Friday, September 5, 2008


So, I admit, I have never been a huge fan of stripes, or sewing them. There are often a pain in the butt to line up, especially if they are not perfectly perpendicular to the grain!

But for some reason, right now, I LOVE stripes. I adore stripes. It's just crazy! My last post, there were the stripe/solid combinations for the girlies. And then I got in this euro bird knit that had a matching stripe. I just adore this:

I am also trying to be a better sewing mommy for this fall/winter. We moved here last year, and it was definitely colder than the mild climate we came from, and I did not have the girlies prepared well. My mother, thank goodness, ordered me a bumch of velour fleece for leggings and pants for the girls this year so they are warmer. When it's 8 degrees in the morning, jeans are a little cold!! I was so excited when I went to the box of velour fleece and found the *perfect* shade to match that shirt:

It was quite the sewing nerd moment, but I was *thrilled* and my husband was not nearly as excited as me when I showed him. Hopefully someone out there can understand how this was all meant to be, and the excitement of it all!

I usually don't like pictures of the clothing just laid out when it is for my kids, but Abby protested trying these on the day I made them, since it was over 100 degrees. She is obviously not made to be a runway model.

Over Labor Day Weekend, my husband went hunting with his father, and the girls and I hung around the house and got a lot of stuff done! One of the best things I did that weekend was delved into the world of felting wool interlock and dying (dye-ing?) it beautiful colors! Oh my, what fun! Now if only wool interlock were not so expensive.

I loved wool interlock pants for my daughters when they were younger and cloth diapered because they are just normal pants that happen to double as a cloth diaper cover! But of course I was too afraid of wool until now, when we are done with diapers for the most part!

I got over that regret pretty quickly, and put my energy into turning the wool interlock into sets for my shop:

They are all dyed with acid dyes from Dharma in the washing machine with very hot water, and set with vinegar. They are all felted to a super yummy medium weight. I was shocked, though, I bought three yards of wool interlock from a coop and this is all I got out of it! LOL! I do have some large scraps, but still! It's a super yummy wool/lycra blend. I can't even pick a favorite out of these outfits, they are all so different. Although to make it more fun for me, I paired them with some of my all time favorite knits. Those hedgehogs from Japan (courtesy of Shanna a couple years ago!) are so soft and just lovely. I am hoarding the ones on pink for Draya this winter!

Speaking of sewing nerd moments, someone on Sewing Mamas linked to these fab car decals on Etsy, made by Holly. Now, that is a really cute sewing nerd, but when I saw the Sewing Girl, I had to have her, in purple, for my car. I can't wait for it to arrive! Funny thing, my husband just kindly laughed when I showed him. I am not sure he understood that I was serious, I was getting one! :) Good thing he doesn't drive my car all to0 often!


TopazGirl said...

Those wool sets are SO cute! Almost makes me miss the CDing days. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the stripes with that print! Well, I love everything in your post, actually. Beautiful work!

Unknown said...

I love those hedgehogs, i was so sad when Faith outgrew her set from last year.